Draw Using Paper Boundaries in Layout Autocad

Layout Viewports


Keyboard: MVIEW

Alias: MV

The Layout Viewports command creates and controls views of your drawing from a Layout tab. You must click a Layout tab before you use the Layout Viewports command. If this is the first time using that Layout tab, your drawing disappears. This is normal. You must create at least one layout viewport to see your drawing. The number of viewports you can create is limited only by your system resources.


An example of multiple viewports.

Viewports: ON OFF Fit Lock Entity Polygonal 2 3 4 <First corner>: Specify the first corner of the layout viewport. To turn layout viewports on, choose ON. To turn layout viewports off, choose OFF. To create a layout viewport that fills the screen, choose Fit. To lock the viewport scale and view in model space when panning or zooming in the layout viewport, choose Lock. To create a non-rectangular viewport, choose Polygonal. To create two horizontal or vertical layout viewports, choose 2. To create three horizontal or vertical layout viewports, choose 3. To create four horizontal or vertical layout viewports, choose 4.

To define the boundaries of a layout viewport

Specify the first corner of the layout viewport.

Opposite corner: Specify the opposite corner of the layout viewport.

To turn layout viewports on or off

Choose ON or OFF.

Select viewports to turn on[off]: Select the edge of the layout viewport to turn on or off, and then press Enter. Doing this does not delete the layout viewport; it simply turns it off.

To create a layout viewport that fills the screen

Choose Fit to view.

To lock or unlock layout viewports

Choose Lock.

Viewport View Locking [ON/OFF]: Choose On to lock the viewport scale and view in model space when panning or zooming in the layout viewport. Choose Off to unlock the viewport scale and view.

To create a viewport from a closed entity

Choose Entity.

Select entity to clip viewport: Select a circle, ellipse, closed polyline, spline, or region that you want to convert to a viewport.

To create a non-rectangular viewport

Choose Polygonal.

Start of polyline: Select the start point of the polyline you want to use for the non-rectangular viewport.

Arc/Distance/Follow/Halfwidth/Width/Undo/<Next point>: Select the next point of the polyline. To draw an arc as a polyline segment, choose Arc. To specify the length of the next polyline segment, choose Distance. To continue the polyline in the direction of the last entity you drew, choose Follow. To specify the halfwidth of the following polyline segments, choose Halfwidth. To specify the width of the following polyline segments, choose Width.

Continue to draw polyline segments by selecting points or options in the command bar. When you are finished, right-click or press Enter to close the polyline and end the command.

To create an additional non-rectangular viewport:

Choose Polygonal.

ENTER to use last point/Follow/<Start of polyline>: Select the start point of the polyline you want to use for the non-rectangular viewport, choose Follow to use the direction of the last entity you drew, or press Enter to use the last point you selected.

To create multiple horizontal or vertical layout viewports


  1. Two vertical layout viewports.
  2. Two horizontal layout viewports.

Choose Create 2 viewports

Two [Three] [Four] viewports: Horizontal <Vertical>: To create vertical layout viewports, choose Vertical or press Enter. To create horizontal layout viewports, choose Horizontal.

Fit to screen <First corner of bounding rectangle>: Specify the first corner of the layout viewport. To divide the screen into two layout viewports of the same size, choose Fit to screen.

To create three viewports


  1. Three horizontal layout viewports.
  2. Three vertical layout viewports.
  3. One horizontal layout viewport above two vertical layout viewports.
  4. One horizontal layout viewport below two vertical layout viewports.
  5. One vertical layout viewport to the left of two horizontal layout viewports.
  6. One vertical layout viewport to the right of two horizontal layout viewports.

Choose Create 3 viewports.

Three viewports Horizontal Vertical Above Below Left <Right>: To create one large layout viewport on the right and two smaller layout viewports on the left, choose Right. To create three horizontal layout viewports of the same size, choose Horizontal. To create three vertical layout viewports of the same size, choose Vertical. To create one large layout viewport on top and two smaller layout viewports on the bottom, choose Above. To create one large layout viewport on the bottom and two smaller layout viewports on top, choose Below. To create one large layout viewport on the left and two smaller layout viewports on the right, choose Left.

Fit to screen <First corner of bounding rectangle>: Specify the first corner of the layout viewport. To create three layout viewports that fill the screen, choose Fit to screen.

To create four layout viewports


Four layout viewports

Choose Create 4 viewports.

Fit to screen <First corner of bounding rectangle>: Specify the first corner of the layout viewport. To divide the screen into four layout viewports of the same size, choose Fit to screen.

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Clip Layout Viewport

Model Space Toggle

Paper Space Toggle

How do I...

Work with layout viewports


Source: https://www.progesoft.com/products/progecad-professional/manual?mp=command-reference%2Falphabetical-list-of-commands%2Flayout-viewports

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